Sunday, March 25, 2012

I Love You, Most Ardently

Today marks our 18th anniversary as young puppy-lovers who have grown to be matured adults and lifetime commitment-takers.  I dedicate this simple poem to my husband who really works hard for me to enjoy the blessings of being a homemaker.  This may not look the best but as they always say, it's the thought that counts.

From the moment we stepped into high school,
We only had eyes for each other that no one can fool,
Things were not meant for us at the time,
So we went on separate ways with a love not so prime.

"There is a time for everything,"  the Lord says,
And after a couple of years the time has come, as He lays,
For us to share an assurance of affection,
With humble obedience, we succumb with no objection.

We ventured out into the world, to have a grasp on higher education,
You went to the north, I to the south, with different aspiration,
It was not easy to maintain a love that sprang upon youthfulness,
But we were able to beat it with much zealousness.

After many years of waiting, a prayer has finally been answered perfectly,
I knew from my heart He did not bring us together accidentally,
We took our sacred vows, as a sign of lifetime commitment,
To be with each other for challenges and merriment.

Jewels have been bestowed, perfect blessings from above,
Despite many differences we find ourselves united in love,
It takes so much effort than a mere romantic play
To make this union work so we will not wither and fray.

So on this dearest occasion and all the days of our lives I will always pray,
"Lord never let the love, for which you bind us, sway."
To old and wrinkly bodies, to hair turned silvery and gray, we remain faithfully,

The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make him a helper suitable for him." (Genesis 2:18) 

Happy anniversary.  I love you so much!

Photo credits:

1 comment:

  1. this is such a touching poem, sis! i love it! congratulations to you both + here's wishing for another 18 years of anniversaries to celebrate! ^_^
